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French intellectual drama of the 1930s in the context of existentialist literature

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Перекрест, Марина Ігорівна
Перекрест, Марина Игоревна
Perekrest, Maryna

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The main feature of French intellectual drama was existentialism, which is characterized by the awareness of each person as a unique, inimitable being. The existence of each person is considered absolute. Existentialism, together with intellectual drama, seeks to comprehend being as the whole of object and subject. The core of intellectual drama is that everyone decides the most important thing for themselves. It is we who give our lives a certain meaning. The highest value of life is seen in the freedom of the individual. The French intellectual dramas of the 1930s are full of philosophical problems. Representatives of the current understand the world as somewhat hostile to the individual, perceive it as chaotic, disharmonious, absurd. The processes taking place in this world, full of internal contradictions, are devoid of regularities, logical connection, time sequence. Representatives of the existential direction see the highest vital value in the freedom of the individual. The existence of man is interpreted by them as a drama of freedom, because at each phase of self-creation of the individual it depends on choice, decision.


philology, literature


french intellectual drama, existentialism, philosophical problems, existential ideas


Perekrest M. French intellectual drama of the 1930s in the context of existentialist literature / M. Perekrest // Актуальні питання розвитку філологічних наук у ХХІ столітті : збірник матеріалів міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, м. Одеса, 26–27 березня 2021 р. – Одеса, 2021. – С. 51–52.