ISSN 2310-8363
Репозитарій Харківського національного медичного університету – це відкритий електронний архів академічних текстів, матеріалів наукового та навчально-методичного призначення, створених науковцями, викладачами, іншими працівниками університету та здобувачами
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Features of the course of toxoplasmic encephalitis in hiv-infected patients
(2024) Veliieva, Tunzala; Bodnia, Kateryna; Makarenko, Valentyna; Pavliy, V.; Krokhmal, I.
This article presents the results of a retrospective analysis of clinical characteristics and examination outcomes in 23 patients with toxoplasmic encephalitis (TE) among HIV-infected individuals. Among the examined individuals, 11 (47.8%) were men and 12 (52.2%) were women. The patients' ages ranged from 31 to 55 years, with an average age of 37.5 ± 0.38 years. The average CD4+ lymphocyte count was 102.5 ± 21.2 cells/μl, and the HIV RNA load in plasma was 292,773.8 ± 113,180 copies/mL. All patients were confirmed to have stage 4 HIV infection (according to the CDC classification, 1993). Toxoplasmosis infection was confirmed by blood serology (presence of anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies via ELISA), and toxoplasmic encephalitis was diagnosed through MRI with characteristic focal brain changes. According to our analysis toxoplasmic encephalitis in HIV-infected patients develops gradually, with cognitive and psychiatric disorders as primary manifestations, followed by focal neurological impairments (hemiparesis, seizures, speech problems). All HIV patients with detected Toxoplasma antibodies at the onset of the disease can be considered at risk for developing toxoplasmic encephalitis. TE in the brain manifests when CD4+ cell levels drop below 200 cells/μL and is characterized by polysymptomatic presentation, with an average of 5.67±0.37 symptoms in our patients. The data from our correlation analysis between altered blood parameters and the presence of symptoms in TE among HIV-infected patients showed that the greater the severity, activity, and duration of toxoplasmic infection (indicated by eosinophilia), the more diverse the symptoms. This, in turn, leads to an increase in ESR, the development of leukocytopenia, and hypochromic anemia.
Безпека застосування у пацієнтів геріатричної популяції як визначальний фактор у фармацевтичній розробці лікарських засобів
(2024-12-27) Єрмоленко, Тамара Іванівна; Сімонов, П.В.; Сімонова, О.А.; Сініцина, О.С.
The lncRNA BORG abnormal expression in Advanced Breast Cancer Chemoresistant and Recurrence
(2024-12-03) Muzhychuk, Oleksii; Starikov, Volodymyr; Lykhman, Viktor; Sennikov, Ihor; Yevtushenko, Dmytro; Khodak, Andrii; Kotenko, Oleksandr; Gavrilov, Andrii
Background. Multiple molecular alterations are observed in breast cancer. Among the functions attributed to lncRNA-BORG are various carcinogenic processes that function during the formation chemoresistant and recurrence of primary tumors. In this study, we aimed to identify lncRNA BORG expression signature, that can predict breast cancer patient recurrence-free survival.Purpose – evaluate long non-coding RNA expression as diagnostic marker for disease prognosis and prediction of treatment effect.Materials and Methods. A total of 40 advanced resistant breast cancer patients were divided into two groups: 1) Basal and Luminal B HER-2 positive (n = 20); 2) Luminal A (n = 20), were obtained with overall survival compared with relapse-free status patients.The bioinformatics prediction is confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). To investigate the prognostic accuracy of multi-lncRNA BORG-based classifier, time-dependent receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed using the ‘survival ROC’ R package. Relapse-free survival was analyzed based on Kaplan–Meier method, and the log-rank test was performed to assess the statistical significance of the differences.Results. High lncRNA BORG protein expression was shown to have the highest correlation with positive hormone status (OR = 2.79; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 1.27 – 4.20). Furthermore, HER2 overexpression (OR = 1.65; 95% CI, 1.26 – 2.13) was linked to important hormone status. Patients with HER2 positive/lncRNA BORG present high expression had a fourfold increased risk of relevant hormone status compared to patients with HER2 negative/lncRNA BORG show low expression, and an estimated 16.4% cumulative risk of recurrence developing relevant at two years. We discovered a predictive function for lncRNA BORG for identification, which has the potential to enhance clinical care of women with Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC). High HER2-positive/lncRNA BORG expression was linked to ER-negative disease recurrences. Our findings highlight the necessity of assessing protein expression of HER2 and lncRNA BORG to evaluate the probability of disease recurrence in ABC patients following diagnosis and therapy. Patients with low lncRNA BORG expression had a recurrence risk that is equivalent to the general population.Conclusions. We discovered a predictive function for lncRNA BORG for identification, which has the potential to enhance clinical care of women with ABC.Women with HER2-positive/lncRNA BORG high expression lesions had a fourfold greater frequency of subsequent hormone status than women with HER2-negative/lncRNA BORG low expression lesions.High HER2-positive/lncRNA BORG expression was linked to ER-negative disease chemoresistance and recurrence. Our findings highlight the necessity of assessing protein expression of HER2 and lncRNA BORG to evaluate the probability of disease recurrence in ABC patients following diagnosis and therapy.Patients with low lncRNA BORG expression had chemoresistance and a high recurrence risk that is equivalent to the general population.
Оптимізація формування навичок ораторського мовлення у викладанні ОК "Ділова іноземна мова"
(ХНМУ, 2024-10) Корнейко, Ірина Василівна; Петрова , Ольга Борисівна; Овсяннікова, Ганна Валеріївна
Висвітлено досвід викладачів кафедри іноземних мов ХНМУ використання жанрового підходу до навчання здобувачів освіти поширених професійних жанрів на заняттях з ділової іноземної мови, який полегшує сприйняття, є ілюстративним, дозволяє опрацьовувати на практиці функціональні аспекти її використання, оптимізуючи процес опанування англійської мови, і в такий спосіб мотивує здобувачів освіти до засвоєння і вживання навчального матеріалу.
The experience of teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the KhNMU in using a genre approach to teaching students common professional genres in Business Foreign Language classes is highlighted, which facilitates perception, is illustrative, allows for practical work on the functional aspects of its use, optimizing the process of mastering the English language, and thus motivates students to learn and use the educational material.
Development of presentation skills as an aspect of the educational process and a way to improve the quality of medical education
(Харківський національний медичний уніветситет, 2024-12) Krainenko, O.; Petrova, O.
Formation and development of presentation skills, which are an integral part of “soft skills” are highly relevant and prove the effectiveness of training medical students. The introduction of such educational technologies into the educational process determines the effectiveness of the training of medical students, on which the success of the future doctors largely depends, as well as the quality of medical education.
Формування та розвиток презентаційних навичок, які є невід’ємною частиною “soft skills”, є надзвичайно актуальними та підтверджують ефективність підготовки студентів-медиків. Впровадження таких освітніх технологій у навчальний процес визначає ефективність підготовки студентів-медиків, від якої значною мірою залежить успішність майбутніх лікарів, а також якість медичної освіти.