Estimation of growth kinetics daily dynamics and pathogenicity factors of microorganisms – causative agents of peritonitis in children.
Davidenko, Vyacheslav
Pashchenko, Yurii
Roy, Natalya
Mishyna, Maryna
Marchenko, I.
Mozgova, Yu.
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On the current stage of development of medical microbiology researches are devoted to the detection of microbial communicative properties patterns based on biorhythms. Insufficient effectiveness of treatment in purulent inflammatory processes caused by microorganisms, in particular pathogens of peritonitis in children, is to some extent due to the presence of protection mechanisms against harmful factors. One of such mechanism is the ability to form biofilms.
pediatric surgery, inflamation, biofilms, microbial biorhythms, antibiotics, peritonitis
Estimation of growth kinetics daily dynamics and pathogenicity factors of microorganisms – causative agents of peritonitis in children / V. B. Davidenko, M. M. Mishina, N. V. Roi, Yu. V. Pashchenko, Yu. Mozgova, I. A. Marchenko // Science progress in European countries: new concepts and modern solutions : Papers of the 7th International Scientific Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 31th May 2019. – Stuttgart, 2019. – P. 246–248.