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Transanal penetrating injuries to the colon in children

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Басілайшвілі, Юрій Валентинович
Сігаєв, Борис Євгеньович
Штикер, Станіслав Юрійович
Basylaishvili, Yu.
Sihaev, B.
Shtyker, S.

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Traumatic injuries of the anorectal zone in children are rare. There are very few reports on this subject in the literature. Meanwhile, a pediatric surgeon can meet with wounds of the rectum penetrating into the abdominal cavity, which are extremely severe. Among all abdominal organs rectal injuries account for 1 - 5%, increasing the frequency up to 6,6% in fractures of the pelvis and to 19 % in gluteal region wounds. The rarest group of injuries to the colon is transanal wounds of the rectum, penetrating into the abdominal cavity without the perineal wound.



tramsanal injuries, colon injuries


Basylaishvili Yu. V. Transanal penetrating injuries to the colon in children / Yu. V. Basylaishvili, B. E. Sihaev, S. Yu. Shtyker // International conference on pediatric surgery & neurosurgery – 2018 : theses conference abstracts, Yerevan, Armenia, 6–7 september 2018. – Yerevan, 2018. – Р. 22.