Adipokines disbalance in patients with comorbidity of type 2 diabetes and essential hypertension depending on genetic polymorphism of AGTR1 gene

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Shalimova, Anna
Bilovol, Olexandr
Bobronnikova, Lesya

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It was established that more than half of patients with EH both as in presence and absence of DM2 had A/C and C/C genotypes of AGTR1. As to the spectrum of these genotypes main group and comparison group significantly differ from control group (p<0.01). It was found that allele C was present in 33.1% of main group patients and in 31.1% of comparison group patients; in control group it was present significantly much less frequently (in 19.4%, p<0.01). Main group with A/C and C/C genotypes of AGTR1 gene was characterized by significantly lower levels of adiponectin and higher levels of leptin as compared to A/A genotype (p<0.01). It can be explained by the influence of angiotensin II activation to the change of expression of gene encoding adipokines. In comparison group AGTR1polymorphism did not affect adipokines levels. The absence of differences of adipokines levels depending on the polymorphism in comparison group, unlike the main group, can indicate that the association of metabolic parameters with AGTR1polymorphism is more pronounced in presence of DM2.



genetic polymorphism, essential hypertension, type 2 diabetes, adipokines disbalance


Shalimova A. Adipokines disbalance in patients with comorbidity of type 2 diabetes and essential hypertension depending on genetic polymorphism of AGTR1 gene / A. Shalimova, A. Belovol, L. Bobronnikova // Diabetes ; Obesity and Adipose Tissue Biology : Part of Keystone Symposia Global Health Series, Keystone, Colorado (USA), 22–26 January, 2017 / Keystone Symposium. – [S. l.], 2017. – P. 0304.



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