Наукові праці. Кафедра клінічної фармакології та внутрішньої медицини
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409 results
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Item Arterial wall condition in women with hypertension and postmenopausal osteoporosis(2023) Kniazkova, Iryna; Bilovol, Alexander; Tsygankov, Alexander; Frolova, Tetyana; Zhadan, Andriy; Bogun, MarynaThe aim of the study was to investigate the indices of arterial stiff ness and central aortic pressure in women with hypertension in combination with osteoporosis. Design and method: The study included 68 females (mean age 62.7±3.8 years) with hypertension, grade 2 in postmenopause including 35 females with osteoporosis (group 1) and 33 females without signs of osteoporosis (group 2) ac cording to osteodensitometry investigation.Item Apelin-13 сoncentration in patients with essential hypertension, extrasystole and obesity.(2023) Kuzminova, Nataliia; Ivankova, Anastasiya; Romanova, Valentyna; Kalitai, Volodymyr; Kulchytska, Olena; Knyazkova, IrynaToday metabolic markers of cardiovascular risk are being actively studied. One of them is apelin-13. Objective: To assess the concentration of apelin-13 in patients with hypertension and extrasystole depending on obesity.Item Вплив похідних 2-окосндолін-3-гліоксилової кислоти на нейрофізіологічні реакції щурів у тесті «чорно-біла камера»(2023) Біловол, О.М.; Луценко, Р.В.; Князькова, І.І. ; Колісник, С.В. ; Шакіна, Е.Г.Уведення сполуки ІК вірогідно подовжувало латентний період першого визирання та виходу й вірогідно зменшувало кількість болюсів порівняно з контролем. 100% тварин визирало в освітлений відсік камери. Похідні 2-оксоіндоліну з лабораторними шифрами 18, Г та ІК змінювали нейрофізіологічні реакції тварин подібно до класичного анксіолітика діазепаму.Item Вплив комбінованої терапії з додаванням еплеренону та триметазидину на діастолічну функцію, вміст SST2 та NT-proBNP у пацієнтів з ГХ та ЦД 2-го типу(2023-09) Біловол, О.М.; Князькова, I.I.; Kірієнко, O.M.; Циганков, О.І.; Абрамова, Л.П.Включення комбінації еплеренону з триметазидином в комплексну терапію хворих на ГХ з ЦД 2 типу протягом 3 місяців сприяло покращенню показників діасто лічної функції, а також позитивно впливало на біомаркер міокардіального стресу і фіброзу – вміст sST2 та дисфункції міокарда – концентрацію NT-proBNP в сироватці крові, поряд з безпечністю і хорошою переносимістю.Item Gender features of the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus type 2 comorbidity with hypertension(2023-09) Nesen, A.; Kirienko, A.; Semenovykh, P.; Shkapo, V.Nowadays 425 million people suffer from diabetes mellitus (DM). Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases that affect all segments of population. The number of people with diabetes aged 20–79years was predicted to rise to 642 million (uncertainty interval: 521–829 million) by 2040.Item Gender features of the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus type 2 combined with hypertension(2023) Nesen, A.; Kirienko, A.; Semenovykh, P.; Shkapo, V.; Kirienko, D.; Tovazhnianska, V.The purose of this investigation is to study individual clinical and diagnostic characteristics in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with comorbid essential hypertension (DM + HD) with consideration for sex difference. Participants and methods. We examined 41 patients with comorbidity of type 2 diabetes and hypertension (21 men and 20 women) and 30 patients without diabetes, but having a history of hypertension (14 men and 16 women) and 20 healthy individuals. Results. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP), (DBP) is significantly higher in patients with comorbidity of DM+HD compared with HD (in men, only DBP), while the heart rate did not change. The protein content in urine was below normal values that indicates an early stage of the pathological condition. Women showed a high level of creatinine compared to normal value in both groups, although this indicator is lower compared to men and is statistically significant in DM + HD. In both groups, there were high numbers of left atrium size, end diastolic size (EDS) compared to normal value, while sex differences were noted: EDS was higher in men. The increased size of left atrium directly correlated with the end-diastolic size (higher in men), the thickness of the interventricular septum (TIVS), and thickness of posterior wall (TPW) (with DM + HD, higher in men). In men with DM + HD, the E / A was lower and the thickness of the intima-media complex (IMC) of the right common carotid artery (CCA) was higher than in the HD group. There were no statistically significant differences in the state of right and left common carotid arteries. The ejection fraction was lower compared to normal values. Conclusion. In patients with diabetes mellitus + hypertension and hypertension, the semi-dimorphic differences of TIVS, TPW, E / A, IMC of right CCA can be used to predict the development of pathological process. A decrease in level of protein in urine indicates absence of proteinuria, glomerular filtration disorders, which is due to early stage of formation of DM + HD pathological state in this category of patients. Absence of changes in urea is associated with a sufficient excretory function of kidneys.Item Особливості структурно-функціональних змін в серці і судинах у пацієнтів на цукровий діабет ІІ типу з нефропатією(2023-01) Несен, Андрій; Кірієнко, Олександр; Шкапо, Володимир; Кірієнко, ДенісItem Cardiotrophin-1 as a prognostic biomarker of cardiovascular complications in comorbid patients with hypertension and concomitant type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity(2023-07) Dunaieva, InnaBackground. Since cardiovascular diseases (CVD) still occupy a leading place in the structure of mortality, the study of biomarkers that can be key in the diagnosis of early signs of the development of cardiovascular pathology continues. One such promising molecule is cardiotrophin-1 (CTF-1). The purpose of this study is to determinate of the circulating level of CTF-1 in comorbid patients with hypertension, and comparative analysis of its serum concentration in the presence of various comorbidities. Materials and methods. 111 patients with hypertension (men/women - 50/61) aged 54.37±1.18 and 20 persons of the control group were examined. In the process of careful examination and supervision of patients, they were divided into 4 groups depending on the presence of comorbid pathology in them: patients with AH- group 1 - 22 people; patients with AH + OB - group 2 - 30 people; AH+T2DM – group 3 – 31 people; patients with AH+T2DM + OB - group 4 - 28 people. Results. A direct correlation of CTF-1 level with weight, BMI, glycated hemoglobin level, SBP and DBP was established (p<0.001). The data we obtained prove that CTF-1 can be a trigger for the occurrence of cardiovascular complications, since its level progressively increases with increasing severity of comorbid pathology, and its highest serum concentration is found in patients with hypertension with concomitant T2DM and obesity. Conclusions. The level of CTF-1 was significantly higher in patients with AH, T2DM, OB compared to patients with AH, patients with AH and OB, as well as with this indicator in the control group. The study of the relationship between the serum level of CTF-1 and metabolic and hormonal indicators in comorbid patients is a promising direction for further research.Item Універсальні можливості лікування кардіоренального синдрому у хворих на цукровий діабет(2023) Кравчун, Павло Павлович; Дунаєва, Інна ПавлівнаЦД 2 типу, який становить більшість усіх випадків ЦД, є серйозною проблемою для охорони здоров’я світової спіль ноти. Очікується, що до 2045 року кількість людей із ЦД зросте із 536,6 до 783,2 млн. Через останні події, пов’язані з пандемією COVID-19, війною в Україні та зміною клімату, які загрожують постачанню продовольства і логістиці, прогнозована ситуація стає ще песимістичнішою. Однак майбутні передбачення вчених щодо збільшення маси тіла населення, ожиріння та випадків ЦД 2 типу є невизначеними.Item Impairment of renal function determined by creatinine and cystatin C levels in patients with hypertension and frequent extrasystoles(2023) Ivankova, A.; Kuzminova, N.; Lozinsky, S.; Knyazkova, I.; Kulchytska, O.; Shkarivsky, Yu.; Romanova, V.156 patients with essential hypertension stage II were examined, among them 124 had frequent extrasystoles, and 32 did not have heart rhythm disorders. Another 30 practically healthy individuals entered the control group. All participants of the study underwent a complete clinical, laboratory, and instrumental examination, including the level of microalbuminuria, electrolytes, creatinine, and cystatin C with the calculation of the glomerular filtration rate. In patients with hypertension, the level of cystatin C was significantly higher compared to the control group (p<0.001). In patients with essential hypertension and extrasystoles, the average level of cystatin C was significantly higher than in patients without extrasystoles (p<0.05). The highest level of cystatin C was noted in patients with hypertension and ventricular extrasystoles. It was significantly higher compared to patients with supraventricular extrasystoles (p<0.05), patients without arrhythmias (p<0.001), and practically healthy subjects (p<0.001). In patients with stage II essential hypertension, the extrasystoles of ventricular origin were associated with an increase in the frequency of microalbuminuria, the highest level of cystatin C, the decrease in the glomerular filtration rate (both creatinine and cystatin), and an increase in the number of patients with a glomerular filtration rate of less than 60 ml/min/1.73 m2. The mean values of the glomerular filtration rate calculated with cystatin C were higher than the corresponding values of the glomerular filtration rate calculated by creatinine.