How informative is the calculator «ABC Score for Massive Transfusion»?
Nikonov, Vadym
Kursov, Serhii
Feskov, Oleksander
Kinoshenko, Yevheniia
Skoroplit, Serhii
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The authors of the article conducted a study in which they determined the effectiveness of the scale for predicting the need for massive hemotransfusion in patients with polytrauma, one of the components of which was thoracic trauma. The authors included 100 patients with blunt and penetrating injuries of the chest. During the investigation, the authors carefully calculated the number of blood transfusions performed in each of these patients in the first 24 hours after their admission to the city's multidisciplinary emergency medicine hospital. The scale, which should provide for the possibility of massive hemotransfusion, includes assessments of pulse rate, blood pressure level, type of injury, and results of an urgent ultrasound scan during the patient's admission to the clinic in the reception department. A high level of need for massive hemotransfusion has revealed only at the highest value on the specified scale. Authors claim that taking into account the specifics of the work of each clinic, the qualifications of the medical staff and its equipment, this assessment may have a different value in each clinic.
massive blood loss, massive hemotransfusion, thoracic trauma, «ABC Score for Massive Transfusion», 2024а
How informative is the calculator «ABC Score for Massive Transfusion»? / V. V. Nikonov, S. V. Kursov, O. E. Feskov, Ye. I. Kinoshenko, S. M. Skoroplit // Science of XXI century: development, main theories and achievements : Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, January 26, 2024, Helsinki, Republic of Finland : collection of scientific papers «SCIENTIA». ─ Helsinki, 2024. – P. 413─415.