Effectiveness of treatment of patients with generalized periodontitis with liposomal Quercetin with correction of the antioxidant protection system


The aim of the study was to evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of the antioxidant effect with liposomal Quercetin in the or local treatment bal fluid of patients with generalized periodontitis of initial-I stages of severity in local treatment of the dynamics of changes in the antioxidant protection system: levels of SH-groups, catalase activity and superoxide dismutase.



generalized periodontitis, therapeutic effectiveness, liposomal Quercetin, antioxidant protection system, SH-groups, catalase activity, superoxide dismutase, local treatment, 2024а


Khudiakova M. Effectiveness of treatment of patients with generalized periodontitis with liposomal Quercetin with correction of the antioxidant protection system [Electronic resource] : [oral presentation on the All-Ukrainian interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference with international participation «Pathologies of the temporomandibular joint: Diagnostics, treatment protocols»] (Poltava, May 21, 2024)] : [presentation PowerPoint] / M. Khudiakova. – Electronic data (12 slides). – Poltava, 2024.