Physiology of visceral systems: Respiration. Digestion & Nutrition. Energy metabolism & Thermoregulation. Excretion : workbook

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Chernobay, Larysa
Marakushyn, Dmytro
Isaieva, Inna
Karmazina, Iryna
Alekseienko, Roman
Hloba, Nataliia
Vasylieva, O.
Bulynina, Oksana
Kyrychenko, Michael
Dunaieva, Olha

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The life is impossible without making up for the nutrients in the organism which are continuously consumed by the cells in the metabolism process. The most of the nutrients enter into the food composition but they are in the condition that is not ready for assimilation. Utilization of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates for satisfaction of energetic and plastic organism necessities becomes possible just only after their physical and chemical processing in the gastro-intestinal tract. As a result these substances are transformed into the rather simple water-soluble chemical compounds – nutrients which don’t have the species specificity, but they keep the energetic and plastic value.


Затверджено Вченою радою ХНМУ. Протокол № 12 від 17.12.2020.


physiology, respiration, digestion, energy metabolism, thermoregulation, excretion, РЗ2020


Physiology of visceral systems: Respiration. Digestion & Nutrition. Energy metabolism & Thermoregulation. Excretion : workbook for individual students᾽ work : manual for individual work of second-year students (English-medium) / comp.: L. V. Chernobay, D. I. Marakushin, I. N. Isaeva [et al.]. – Kharkov : KhNMU, 2020. – 84 p.