Nutritional status and nutritional support in children with congenital malformations of brain in Ukraine: single-center observational descriptive cross-sectional study

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Riga, O.
Orlova, N.
Ishchenko, Tetyana

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In Ukraine, as one of the income and middle income countries (LMICs), PEM is detectedand diagnosed not quite actively especially in children with neurologic impairment. Methods:Nutritive status and energy consumption was evaluated in 17 young and preschool childrenwith congenital malformations of brain by anthropometry, 24-hour dietary recall andquestionnaire of caregivers. Results: The study demonstrated nutritional disorders: Z-scoreBW for age in total cohort was –3.2, H/L for age was –2.7. The moderate PEM was diagnosedin 2/17 children, severe PEM in 12/17. The late appointment of nutritional support to suchchildren was demonstrated, its effect on increasing growth and body weight was detected.Conclusion. The importance of drawing up individual plans for the energetic consumptionof the children with congenital malformations of brain with training of caregivers andrehabilitative and palliative team is advisable.



protein-energy malnutrition, сongenital malformations of brain, LMICs


Riga O. Nutritional status and nutritional support in children with congenital malformations of brain in Ukraine: single-center observational descriptive cross-sectional study / O. Riga, N. Orlova, T. Ishchenko // Inter Collegas. – 2020. – Vol 7. – No 2. – Р. 94–101.