The influence of phosphorus complex organic mixtures on the content of sexual hormones and gonadotropins in the serum with violations in the reproductive system

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Жарова, Наталія Валентинівна
Багмут, Ірина Юріївна
Тіткова, Анна Володимирівна
Маракушин, Дмитро Ігорович
Резуненко, Юрій Костянтинович
Zharova, Nataliya
Bagmut, Irina
Titkova, Anna
Marakushyn, Dmytro
Rezunenko, Yu.

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Oxford university press


At 100 Wistar rat population in subacute experiment the effect of small doses of subtoxical phosphorus detergents (Efasol, Polifos, Syntaf) on the level of sex hormones in the blood serum of females - estrogen and gonadotropins was investigated by radioimmunoassay. There were 9 research groups and one control, 10 animals in each (N=100). Estrogen and gonadotropins were studied in rat serum. Significant inhibition of gonadotropin secretion may be combined with the permeability of the haemato-encefalic barrier for phosphorus complex organic compounds and their direct influence on the hypothalamic-pituitary neuroendocrine complex.



xenobiotics, progesteron, prolactin, luteotropin, follicle-stimulating hormone, estradiol, serum, rats


The influence of phosphorus complex organic mixtures on the content of sexual hormones and gonadotropins in the serum with violations in the reproductive system / N. V. Zharova, I. Yu. Bagmut, A. V. Titkova, D. I. Marakushyn, Yu. K. Rezunenko // The journal of medicine and philosophy. – 2017. – Issue 6 (2), vol. 42. – Р. 1306–1311.