EP19.21: Disturbed uterine artery hemodynamics is a possible predictor of fetal autonomic malfunction

dc.contributor.authorVasylieva, Iryna
dc.contributor.authorLakhno, Igor
dc.description.abstractObjectives Since abnormal trophoblastic invasion is known as a reason of great obstetric syndrome the issue is to find out additional markers for the detection of fetal compromise. A chronic placental insufficiency is an initial event in fetal malnutrition and deterioration. Fetal neurological maturation could be detected by monitoring heart rate variability (HRV). The validity of the amplitude of mode (AMo) and stress index (SI) in the diagnosing of fetal distress is known. In this study, we were interested in these variables of HRV in fetal growth restriction (FGR) and fetal deterioration. Methods Totally 197 pregnant women at the end of I trimester with an increased average pulsatility index (aPI) in uterine arteries (>1.5 MoM, FMF score) were enrolled in this research. This cohort was divided into two groups. Women with normal fetal growth (N = 129) were included in Group I. Pregnant ladies with FGR (N = 68) were observed in Group II. Fetal HRV variables were investigated using non-invasive fetal electrocardiography technique with the application of the Cardiolab Babycard equipment (Scientific and research centre “KhAI Medica”, Ukraine). The records were done at the term of gestation 26-27 weeks. The results thus obtained were analysed with an ANOVA test to compare data between groups. The significance was set at p-value <0.05. Relative risk (RR) for fetal compromise was calculated. Results The percentage of fetal growth restriction in the study population was 34.5%. The variables of AMo and SI in Group II was significantly higher than in normal growth Group: SI –1862.4; AMo –80.3% and SI –525.1; AMo – 67.3%, relatively (p < 0.05). The rate of fetal compromise detected by Doppler ultrasound was 14.0% and 44.1%. RR for fetal compromise was 3.407 (95% CI – 1,059 – 26,777). Therefore, FGR was featured by an autonomic malfunction and considerable rise of fetal deterioration. Conclusions Fetal HRV variables could be of use in the prediction of fetal compromise.en_US
dc.identifier.citationVasylieva I. EP19.21: Disturbed uterine artery hemodynamics is a possible predictor of fetal autonomic malfunction / I. Vasylieva, I. Lakhno // Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. – 2019. – Vol. 54, Suppl. 1: Abstracts of the 29th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Berlin, Germany, 12–16 October 2019. – P. 357.en_US
dc.identifier.otherDOI: 10.1002/uog.21523
dc.publisherJohn Wiley & Sons Ltden_US
dc.subjectfetal growth restrictionen_US
dc.subjectfetal distressen_US
dc.subjectfetal heart rate variabilityen_US
dc.titleEP19.21: Disturbed uterine artery hemodynamics is a possible predictor of fetal autonomic malfunctionen_US


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