Morphofunctional features of pathological defects of the uterus during instrumental diagnosis

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Ghranyna, H.

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In our time, the relevance of the topic is very high, because normally the uterus is not statically located and can slightly change its place. Physiological motility of the uterus ensures normal pregnancy and childbirth, as well as normal functioning of the intestines and urinary bladder. Excessive (with a decrease in uterine tone) or insufficient (with inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs) motility of the uterus, which are caused by various pathologies, can harm the health and even life of women. In the future, these questions require a detailed study of uterine bends and methods of diagnosis.



anatomy, uterus, instrumental diagnosis


Ghranyna H. V. Morphofunctional features of pathological defects of the uterus during instrumental diagnosis / H. V. Ghranyna // Сучасні виклики науки ХХІ століття : матеріалами доповідей LХІ Мiжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції, Харків, 15 лютого 2021 року. –Харків, 2021. – С. 46–48.