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Microscopic features of the spleen under the influence of laproxides

dc.contributor.authorAvilova, Olga
dc.contributor.authorMarakushyn, Dmytro
dc.contributor.authorNakonechna, O.
dc.contributor.authorGargin, Vitaliy
dc.description.abstractRapid technology growth and its implementation in all spheres of the people’s lives dictates the necessity for thorough study of the influence of different chemicals on human’s health. This study was undertaken to elucidate the structural changes that occur in the matured rats’ spleen experimentally induced by selected xenobiotic, so, purpose of our work was detection of microscopic peculiarities of the spleen under the influence of laproxides. In subacute experiment were uncovered organometric alterations of the matured male rat’s spleen after the administration of 1/10 LD50 of polyether-tryglycidyl ether of polyoxypropylene tri- ol (TEPPT). The study was performed on 72 outbreed WAG male matured rats with the weight 200±10g. Histological slides were studied with performing morphometric and statistical methods. We revealed changes of morphologiс data in comparison to control data which shows reactiv- ity of the spleen in response to the induced xenobiotic. The received and analyzed data demonstrate the mor- phological changes of the spleen, specifically changes of the linear dimensions and weight of the spleen due to the influence of the TEPPT. The spleen is very sensitive to the effects of xenobiotics, in particular, TEPPT that is even reflected in its grossly (weight and linear dimen- sions) and histological features (reliable changes of the of the white pulp area of the spleen from 17.87±1.04% to 27.37±1.71%, diameter of lymphatic follicles from 426.59±11.18 μm to 382.31±11.73 μm, width of the mantle zone from 45.73±1.08 μm to 37.18±2.29 μm, width of the marginal zone from 81.32±1.79 μm to 74.63±2.08 μm, width of the periarterial zone from 88.73±2.69 μm to 97.24±2.61 μm).ru_RU
dc.identifier.citationMicroscopic features of the spleen under the influence of laproxides / O. Avilova, D. Marakushin, O. Nakonechna, V. Gargin // Georgian medical news. – 2018. N 2 (275). – P. 163–167.ru_RU
dc.titleMicroscopic features of the spleen under the influence of laproxidesru_RU


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