To reason by experimental's choice the method of protection the pulp of teeth on stage treatment by non-removable denture after operation of preparation hard tissues of teeth.

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Yanishen, I.
Diudina, Iryna
Tomilin, V.
Pereshyvajlova, I.

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ISGT Publishing House


Оn the basis of the results obtained, it is clear that when choosing the method of rehabilitation of the receptor apparatus of the teeth at the stages of treatment with fixed prosthesis designs, the best option for the adhesive composition is the use of the antihomotoxic drug Traumel based on the new domestic light-cured adhesive, which allows to restore the processes of odontoblasts, improves the morphofunctional state of the main substance of dentin and calcification of the outer layer 1 month after preparation, which indicates the possibility of rehabilitation of the receptor apparatus of the stump of teeth after surgery for the preparation of hard tissues.



the preparation operation, recovery the receptor apparatus


To reason by experimental's choice the method of protection the pulp of teeth on stage treatment by non-removable denture after operation of preparation hard tissues of teeth / I. V. Yanishen, I. L. Diudina, V. G. Tomilin, I. A. Pereshyvajlova // Innovative development of science and education : Abstracts of the 4th International scientific and practical conference, Athens, Greece, 21–23 June 2020 / ISGT Publishing House. – Athens, 2020. – P. 60–62.



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