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Wirkung von Nitrobenzol auf innere Organe unter Kältebedingungen

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Zavgorodnij, Igor
Thielmann, Beatrice
Kapustnik, Walerij
Bachynskyi, Ruslan
Böckelmann, Irina

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Background and objectives. Certain workplaces show a combination of pollutant exposure and cold. There are indications that nitrobenzene is cytotoxic. The aim of this study was to investigate the toxic effects of nitrobenzene on organs, such as the liver, kidneys, adrenal, spleen and thyroid gland. Material and methods. These experiments were performed on 24 sexually mature male WAG rats. In each experimental group (2 × 6 animals), nitrobenzene was introduced 30 × (70 mg/kg of animal body weight) into the stomach 5 days per week for 6 weeks. The animals of the control group (2 × 6 animals) received an equivalent amount of distilled water. The animals were exposed to either thermal comfort (25 ± 2 °C) or cold conditions (4 ± 2 °C) for 4 h. After a 30-day recovery period, the data were re-elevated to investigate the question of reversibility. Results. Theeffectsofnitrobenzenein both experimental groups led to structural changes in the investigated organs; however, the structural changes were irreversible only in the experimental group under cold conditions. For example, there was evidence of acute hepatitis, activated immune responses in the spleen and thyroid gland and glomerulonephritis. Conclusion. The results of the animal experiments demonstrate an irreversible cytotoxic effect of nitrobenzene under cold conditions. Thus, the histological examination of organs can be considered as a target for the toxic effects of nitrobenzene.



nitrobenzene, combination effect, cold, internal organs, animal experiment


Wirkung von Nitrobenzol auf innere Organe unter Kältebedingungen / I. Zavgorodnij, B. Thielmann, W. Kapustnik, R. Batschinskij, I. Böckelmann // Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie. – 2017. – Vol. 11, Issues 96. – P. 1–7.