Retrieval of ferromagnetic fragments from the lung using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and magnetic tool: a case report of combat patient injured in the war in Ukraine

dc.contributor.authorLurin, I.
dc.contributor.authorKhoroshun, Eduard
dc.contributor.authorNegoduiko, Volodymyr
dc.contributor.authorMakarov, Volodymyr
dc.contributor.authorShypilov, Serhii
dc.contributor.authorBoroday, V.
dc.contributor.authorGorobeiko, M.
dc.contributor.authorDinets, А.
dc.description.abstractBackground Gunshot wounds injury to the thorax is common in armed conficts or war, including the war of Russia against Ukraine. Injury to the chest is associated with a high mortality or physical disability due to damage to the lungs, heart, and major vessels. The aim of this report is to demonstrate a case of successful management of severe gunshot injury to the lungs using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and magnetic tool for a combat patient injured in the war in Ukraine. Case presentation A 51-year-old soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine received a gunshot injury due to shelling from artillery strikes in the Donbas battlefeld area. After evacuation to Level II, a forward surgical team performed primary surgical debridement. Two hours after the injury, the patient was evacuated to the Level IV of medical care (Kharkiv). At Level IV, a CT scan showed penetrating gunshot wounds to the left part of the chest with injury to the upper lobe of the left lung with the presence of the 2 metal fragments of the artillery projectile with the size of 2.5×2.0 cm and 1.0×1.0 cm. These two fragments were removed by using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) using the inlet gunshot hole in the left lateral chest area, as well as the assistance of a magnetic tool. Conclusions VATS and magnetic technologies should be considered for hemodynamically stable combat patients with a gunshot injury to the lungs in the ongoing war. Each combat patient could be treated by individualized approach such as using the wound canal as a scope port after primary surgical debridement of the wound and antibiotic prophylaxisen_US
dc.identifier.citationRetrieval of ferromagnetic fragments from the lung using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and magnetic tool: a case report of combat patient injured in the war in Ukraine / I. Lurin, E. Khoroshun, V. Negoduiko, V. Makarov, S. Shypilov, V. Boroday, M. Gorobeiko, A. Dinets // International Journal of Emergency Medicine. ─ 2023. ─ № 16 (51). ─ С. 141─146.en_US
dc.subjectgunshot injury to lungen_US
dc.subjectgunshot injury to chesten_US
dc.subjectvideo-assisted thoracoscopic surgeryen_US
dc.subjectsurgical magnetic tooen_US
dc.titleRetrieval of ferromagnetic fragments from the lung using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and magnetic tool: a case report of combat patient injured in the war in Ukraineen_US


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