Seborrheic keratosis: current state of the problem

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Myroshnychenko, Mykhailo
Moiseienko, Tetiana
Torianyk, Inna
Ivannik, Victoria
Popova, Natalia
Mozhaiev, Ivan
Chastii, Tetiana
Minukhin, Valerii
Leontiev, Pavlo
Osolodchenko, Tetiana

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The aim is to identify age, gender, clinical and morphological features of seborrheic keratosis. Material and methods: The study used biopsy material from 196 patients with a clinical diagnosis of “Seborrheic keratosis”. In all cases, when studying directions for pathohistological examination, the authors analyzed gender and age characteristics, as well as localization of seborrheic keratosis. The resulting material was &xed in a 10% solution of neutral formalin (ph 7.4) for 24-48 hours. The procedure was carried out according to the generally accepted technique and the material was embedded in para*n. Sections of 4–5×10–6m thick were made from para*n blocks for staining with hematoxylin and eosin. The microspecimens were examined using an Olympus BX-41 microscope (Japan). Results: The study revealed a modern feature of seborrheic keratosis –”rejuvenation” of this tumor, as evidenced by its predominant development in patients aged 31 to 50 years. Seborrheic keratosis is more common in men, and is localized mainly on the skin of the face, scalp, neck and back. When diagnosing seborrheic keratosis, the author notes a signi&cant discrepancy between clinical and morphological diagnoses, which actualizes the problem of improving the available clinical research methods and emphasizes the importance of morphological research. Hyperkeratotic and acanthotic histological variants of seborrheic keratosis are the most common. The case of seborrheic keratosis with malignancy and transformation into squamous cell carcinoma, identi&ed by the author, should develop oncological alertness in doctors and patients. Conclusions: The study revealed age, gender, clinical and morphological features of seborrheic keratosis, which will contribute to a better understanding of this pathology by the doctors of various specialties, and improve the treatment and diagnostic process.



seborrheic keratosis, age, gender, clinical and morphological features


Seborrheic keratosis: current state of the problem / M. S. Myroshnychenko, T. M. Moiseienko, I. I. Torianyk, V. Yu. Ivannik, N. G. Popova, I. V. Mozhaiev, T. V. Chastii, V. V. Minukhin, P. A. Leontiev, T. P. Osolodchenko, K. Yu. Parkhomenko // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2022. – Vol. 75, issue. 1, part 2. – P. 172–175.