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Clinical Significance of natriuretic peptides

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Zhuravlyova, Larysa
Sokolnikova, Nelia
Rogachova, Tetiana

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Natriuretic peptides are widely known for their protective effects against the development of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. The important role of determining the levels of natriuretic peptides in the diagnosis, assessment of severity, prognosis and effectiveness of treatment of heart failure has been proven in many studies and noted in clinical guidelines worldwide. Visceral obesity reduces the production and action of natriuretic peptides, increasing the risk of heart failure and 2 type diabetes mellitus. Metabolic syndrome is present in 60% of patients with chronic heart failure, most of its components contribute to the development and progression of chronic heart failure and include obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the general population is 34% and is constantly increasing due to unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle and chronic stress. The prevalence of chronic heart failure is increasing rapidly in all industrialized countries, affecting 2% of adults and 10% of the elderly. Therefore, the problem of early diagnosis and treatment of metabolic syndrome and chronic heart failure is relevant nowadays. The review focuses on the pathophysiological relationships between natriuretic peptides, heart failure and metabolic syndrome, and the approaches to the correction of natriuretic peptides’ metabolism.



2 type diabetes mellitus, heart failure, metabolic syndrome, natriuretic peptides


Zhuravlyova L. Clinical Significance of natriuretic peptides / L. Zhuravlyova, N. Sokolnikova, T. Rogachova // Inter Collegas. – 2022. – Vol. 9, No.1. – P. 5–13.