Latent EBV infection as an independent predictor affecting clinical and paraclinical parameters of rotavirus infection in children
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Kolesnyk, Yana
Sliepchenko, Marharyta
Sorokina, Olga
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Despite the widespread use of vaccination aimed at the prevention of rotavirus infection (RVI), rotavirus still remains one of the main etiological factors of intestinal infections in young children. Among the available literature there is a large number of publications devoted to the study of clinical and immunological features of RVI. However, a number of authors point to the ability of herpes infection to affect the immune response of children and the course of infectious pathology in them. Thus, some scientists have found differences in the clinical picture and immune response of children with intestinal infections in the presence of concomitant herpesvirus infection. But their conclusions are somewhat different. According to some studies, infection with herpes viruses complicates the course of intestinal infection, contributes to the prolongation of its clinical symptoms. Other authors have found an immunomodulatory effect of herpesviruses, which contributes to an easier course of infectious pathology.
rotavirus, EBV infection
Sliepchenko M. Y. Latent EBV infection as an independent predictor affecting clinical and paraclinical parameters of rotavius infection in children / M. Y. Sliepchenko, Y. V. Kolesnyk, O. G. Sorokina // Priority directions of science and technology development : abstract of VII international and scientifical practical conference, Kyiv, March 21–23, 2021. – Kyiv, 2021. – P. 118–120.