The impact of ultraviolet irradiation on morpho-functional state of skin in guinea pigs

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Myronchenko, S.
Naumova, O.
Zvyagintseva, T.

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The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of ultraviolet irradiation (UV) on morphological and functional condition of the skin in guinea pigs. The study involved 30 albino guinea pigs weighing 400-500 g subjected to local exposure to UV irradiation. Control group consisted of intact guinea pigs. Histological studies of the skin were carried out at different stages of the trial (2 hours, 4 hours, 3 days, 8 days following the exposure). Microscopic examination showed morphological signs of acute inflammation in the skin of animals within the first three days following the exposure to UV irradiation. Within 2 hours following the exposure to UV irradiation these changes were minimal with signs of mild exudative changes. In 4 hours after the exposure histological changes increased. The specimens were also found to contain altered apoptotic keratinocytes (sunburn cells). Histopathological changes persisted and reached maximum severity by the 3rd day. Within post-erythema period (the 8th day) proliferative, hyperplastic, degenerative and dystrophic changes in the skin persisted. The prolonged nature of the changes in the skin is suggestive of the development of chronic inflammation in the skin of guinea pigs subjected to local exposure to UV irradiation.



ultraviolet irradiation, skin, morphologic changes


Myronchenko S. The impact of ultraviolet irradiation on morpho-functional state of skin in guinea pigs / S. Myronchenko, O. Naumova, T. Zvyagintseva // Georgian medical news. – 2016. – № 11 (260). – Р. 95–100.



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