Application of simulation technologies in teaching of theoretical disciplines in medical university

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Chernobay, Larysa
Hloba, Nataliia
Isaieva, Inna
Karmazina, Iryna

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Modern higher medical education undergoes the process of modernization aimed at creation of necessary conditions for professional training of specialists with high level of competence, creative thinking and ability to make valid responsible decisions in process of their professional activity. Reaching of that aim requires changes of traditional ways of educational and pedagogical interaction between teachers and students and including of modern innovation technologies in training process. Taking into account the specificity of professional activity of future doctors, simulation technologies become one of the most important parts of higher medical education. Application of simulation technologies aimed at imitation of real process of doctor’s work allows teachers to form in students during training process all the theoretical knowledge, practical skills and personal traits necessary for their future professional activity.


Experience of application of one of simulation techniques in teaching of discipline «Physiology» proved that simulation training is effective for improvement of student theoretical knowledge, stimulation of their self-development and formation of basis of clinical thinking. Among flaws of such method we can mention the necessity of additional preparation of teachers, time and resources expenditure needed for creation of such models and inability to use that method in case of insufficient student preparation for corresponding topic. However, even taking into account the listed flaws, we think that simulation techniques should continue to develop and improve and be implied in process of both clinical and theoretical disciplines training in order to reach the final aim of higher medical education, i.e. the training of well-qualified competent doctors.


application of simulation technologies, theoretical disciplines, clinical thinking, medical education


Application of simulation technologies in teaching of theoretical disciplines in medical university / L. V. Chernobay, N. S. Hloba, I. N. Isaeva, I. S. Karmazina // Сучасні підходи до вищої медичної освіти в Україні : матеріали XIV Всеукраїнської науково-практиччної конференції з міжнародною участю, присвяченої 60-річчю ТДМУ (Тернопіль, 18–19 трав. 2017 р.) : у 2 т. / Тернопільський державний медичний університет імені І. Я. Горбачевського. – Тернопіль : ТДМУ, 2017. – Т. 2. – С. 362.



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