Morphological features of the arteries of the interbrain in a mature human

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Lyutenko, Mykhailo
Vovk, Oleg
Korobchanska, Anna

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Scientific Perspectives


Features of the blood supply of the parts of the brain stem have always been of great morphological and clinical interest of anatomists, histologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons. While studying the arteries of the brainstem of a person of mature age, we drew attention to the lack of information regarding the arteries of the diencephalon region, in particular the hypothalamus. The available in the literature information on the distribution of arteries supplying the diencephalon and hypothalamus do not address questions about the extra- and intraorganic vessels of this area of the diencephalon. From the content of the available works on the arteries of the human hypothalamus, it is not clear their morphological and functional features in the distribution of arteries of 2-3 orders from the main trunk, and the area of blood supply by these vessels.



arteries, interbrain


Lyutenko M. A. Morphological features of the arteries of the interbrain in a mature human / M. A. Lyutenko, O. Yu. Vovk, A. B. Korobchanska // Сучасні аспекти модернізації науки: стан, проблеми, тенденції розвитку : матеріали XXII-ої Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (07 липня 2022 року, у м. Любляна (Словенія), дистанційно). – Любляна, 2022. – С. 139–145.



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