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Brain integrated activity in medical students under conditions of adaptation to psychoemotional stress

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Marakushyn, Dmytro
Chernobay, Larysa
Vasylieva, O.
Morozov, O.
Korobchanskyi, Pavlo

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According to the results of the study the development of adaptation to psychoemotional stress, which is considered as an emotional stress in medical students during the first three years of study, has a dynamic and multifactorial character. The degree of adaptation processes’ manifestation is analyzed and it is shown that it correlates with the intellectual capacity, which is based on the features of the brain integrative activity.


Students who have been marked an adequate adaptation to psychoemotional stress in the process of increasing the duration of training at the university, showed an increase in the accuracy of internal time. This was observed in the increase of 70-80% of students with normative values of IMD.


psychoemotional stress, internal time tracking, intellectual working capacity, visual memory


Brain integrated activity in medical students under conditions of adaptation to psychoemotional stress / D. Marakushin, L. Chernobay, O. Vasylieva, O. Morozov, P. Korobchanskij // Georgian Medical News. – 2019. – N 3 (288). – P. 135–139.