Dorsopathy : manuals in discipline "Traumatology and orthopedics" for self-study of 5th year students
Holka, H.
Oliynyk, A.
Istomin, D.
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Dorsopathy (degenerative disc diseases) ‒ is a disease of the spine,
which is based on primary dystrophies and degenerative process of the
intervertebral disc (IVD), with the further development of reactive and
compensatory changes intervertebral joints and ligaments, and then in the
adjacent vertebral bodies and , as a result , totally defeat all elements of
vertebrates at ‒ motor segment .
At present, people aged 45 years often restrict their activities because
of constant pain in the back and neck. The prevalence of chronic back pain is
26‒32 % among the adult population. In the structure of morbidity with
disability of the adult population more than 50 % are diseases of the peripheral
nervous system. Among the disabled with diseases of the peripheral nervous
system in 80 % of cases occur by vertebral affection.
Back pain is an extremely common human phenomenon, a price
mankind has to pay for their upright posture. According to one study, almost 80
percent of persons in modern industrial society will-experience back pain at
some time during their life. Fortunately, in 70 per cent of these, it subsides
within a month. But, in as many as 70 per cent of these, the pain recurs
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Протокол № 6 від 20.05.2021.
dorsopathy, manuals, МР2021
Dorsopathy : manuals in discipline "Traumatology and orthopedics" for self-study of 5th year students of medical faculties / comp.: H. H. Holka, A. O. Oliynyk, D. A. Istomin [et. al.]. ‒ Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2021. ‒ 24 p.