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Catamnestic observation of cardiovascular status in preterm infants

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Gonchar, Margaryta
Boichenko, А.
Гончарь, М.О.
Бойченко, А.Д.

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To identify peculiarities of the diastolic function development of the heart ventricles in preterm infants following clinical and instrumental examination in the neonatal period and in the process of catamnestic observation the study involved examination of 244 preterm infants at gestation age from 260-7 to 376-7 weeks. Control group comprised 100 healthy full-term infants. The study showed that peculiarities of the development of diastolic function of the heart ventricles in prematurely born children included diastolic dysfunction by the type of delayed relaxation, which is typical for the fetus, until the child reaches the postconceptual age of 39-41 weeks. Normalization of the diastolic function of the heart ventricles occured in 46/61 (75.41 ± 5.51%, p = 0.1•10-6) prematurely born children to 5-6 months of actual age, in 15/61 (24.59 ± 5.51%) children to 6-8 months of actual age. Spontaneous closure of open oval window up to the age of 1 year occurred in 22/32 (68.75 ± 8.19%, p = 0.009) full-term newborns and in 21/61 (34.43 ± 6.08%) preterm infants. Hemodynamically significant patent arterial duct in 58.82 ± 11.94% of children spontaneously closes during the first three months of life. The incidence of myocardial dysfunction in newborns from mothers with extragenital pathology increased to 89.39 ± 3.79% versus 76.67 ± 5.46%, p = 0.046 children born from healthy women. The presence of extragenital pathology in mothers, including cardiovascular disorders, is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases in preterm children.



preterm infants, myocardial dysfunction


Gonchar M. O. Сatamnestic observation of cardiovascular status in preterm infants / M. O. Gonchar, A. D. Boichenko // Inter collegas. – 2018. – Vol. 5, № 1. – Р. 41–45.