Lipid fractions changes in predicting the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Tverezovska, Iryna
Zhelezniakova, Natalia
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Background and Aims: Introduction. Dyslipidemia, oxidative stress (OS), and subclinical inflammation are the main mechanisms of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and hypertension (HTN) pathogenesis. Mostly lipid infiltration and lipotoxicity of hepatocytes precede the development of OS against the background of increased lipid peroxidation. Selenoprotein P (Sel P) plays a decisive role in maintaining antioxidant protection as a leading source and transporter of selenium in the body. Aim: to identify possible predictors and form a model for predicting the development of NAFLD in healthy individuals.
Methods: Materials and methods. The study included: main group d 49 patients (67.3% women) with NAFLD and HTN; comparison group (G2) d 51 with isolated NAFLD (58.8% women), control group (G3) d 20 individuals (55.0% women ). The median age was 51.0 [45.0; 56.0] (р1-3 ¼ 0.980), 52.0 [47.0; 54.0] (р1-2 ¼0.610) and 51.0 [45.0; 55.5] years (р2-3 ¼ 0.564), respectively. Blood parameters were measured by standard methods. Selenoprotein P levels were measured by immunoassays (ELISA Kit). IBM SPSS 25.0 for Windows was used for statistical calculations.
Results: The studied parameters are listed in Table 1.Conclusions: The presence of reliable associations of cholesterol, WBC and Sel P allows to consider them as predictors of the development of NAFLD in healthy individuals. The proposed model has high classification characteristics and can be used as an auxiliary tool for forecasting the development of NAFLD.
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, prediction model, lipid metabolism, selenoprotein P, 2023а
Tverezovska I. Lipid fractions changes in predicting the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease / I. I. Tverezovska, N. M. Zhelezniakova // Atherosclerosis. ─ 2023. ─ Volume 379, Supplement 1: Abstract book of 91st EAS Congress, Mannheim, Germany (May 21─23, 2023). – S. 78, P. 246. ─ doi: