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Clinical and laboratory aspects of acute obstructive bronchitis in children infected with mycoplasma pneumoniae

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Usenko, S.
Eloeva, Zalina
Diachenko, Maryna
Usenko, S.

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Conclusions 1. For patients infected with mycoplasma compared with uninfected intracellular infection, more characteristic of the course of AOB on the background of febrile temperature with its duration of more than 4 days, the presence of midbubble and single dry or wet rales, as well as longer. 2. In patients with mycoplasma infection compared with patients without intracellular infection by T - system of immunity proved: higher values of the absolute number of CD3, CD8 and the relative content of CD3, CD8, as well as lower values of absolute and relative amount of CD16, as well as the absolute number of CD25.



сlinical laboratory, Мycoplasma pneumoniae


Clinical and laboratory aspects of acute obstructive bronchitis in children infected with mycoplasma pneumoniae / S. Usenko, Z. Eloeva, M. Diachenko, S. Usenko // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2020. – Vol. 73, issue 6. – Р. 1229–1233.