Possible role of vitamin D in pathogenesis of lichenoid dermatoses (a review of literature)

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Bilovol, Alla
Tkachenko, Svitlana
Havryliuk, Oleksandra
Berehova, Alla
Kolhanova, Nataliia
Kashtan, Kateryna

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Introduction. The studying of the possible role of vitamin D (VD) in pathogenesis of lichenoid dermatoses is a priority scientific direction in modern dermatology. The possible pathogenic participation of VD in the development of these dermatoses can discover the new prospects of systemic treatment. The aim of the study was search and analysis of the data of review, experimental and clinical scientific and medical publications on the issues of the possible role of VD in pathogenesis of lichenoid dermatoses. Materials and methods: an analysis of the studying of the scientific and medical literature was shown. Searching was carried out through the PubMed/MEDLINE portal from the databases of the National Center Biotechnology Information, Web of Science Core Collection, U. S. National Library of Medicine, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, as well as the portals «Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU», «Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)» and «Index Copernicus». Conclusions. the results of studies had convincingly demonstrated that deficiency of VD in the blood, decrease vitamin D receptors activity can lead to development of lichenoid dermatoses.



vitamin D, psoriasis


Possible role of vitamin D in pathogenesis of lichenoid dermatoses (a review of literature) / A. M. Bilovol, S. H. Tkachenko, O. А. Havryliuk, A. А. Berehova, N. L. Kolhanova, K. P. Kashtan // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2020. – T. 73, № 2. – P. 365–369.



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