Lichen planus and comorbid conditions (a review of literature)

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Bilovol, Alla
Tkachenko, Svitlana
Havryliuk, Oleksandra
Berehova, Alla
Tatuzian, Yevheniia
Kolhanova, Nataliia
Stetsenko, Svitlana

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Introduction. The studying of the comorbidity of skin diseases is a priority scientific direction in modern dermatology. Comorbid conditions aggravate the course of the underlying disease, reduce the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment can lead to chronization of the process, disability of patients. Understanding of the commonality of pathogenesis and the mutually complicating nature of comorbidity makes a possible to prescribe individual rational treatment. The aim of the study was search and analysis of the data of review, experimental and clinical scientific and medical publications on the issues of the comorbidity of LP. Materials and methods: an analysis of the studying of the scientific and medical literature was shown. Searching was carried out through the PubMed/MEDLINE portal from the databases of the National Center Biotechnology Information, U. S. National Library of Medicine, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, as well as the portals «Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU», «Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)» and «Index Copernicus». Conclusions. The main global trends of comorbidity of LP are determined. The results of these studies can form the basis for updating of clinical guidelines for the management of patients with LP at the international and local levels.



comorbid conditions, lichen ruber planus


Lichen planus and comorbid conditions (a review of literature) / Alla M. Bilovol, Svitlana H. Tkachenko, Oleksandra А. Havryliuk, Alla А. Berehova, Yevheniia H. Tatuzian, Nataliia L. Kolhanova, Svitlana O. Stetsenko // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2019. – T. 72, № 3. – P. 447–451.



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