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Devitalized biological vascular grafts: 3 years follow up

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Byzov, Denys
Chizh, Mykola
Shevchenko, Ye.
Mikhailova, Iryna
Sandomirsky, B.

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Xenogeneic tissues treated with modern biotechnological approaches reducing immunogenicity degree may solve the problem of small diameter vascular grafts` deficit. Technologies of decellularization/devitalization with use of different chemicals show some serious shortcomings connected with residual cytotoxicity and decreasing of biomechanical strength of vascular wall. Nowadays use of physical factors to reduce of xenogeneic tissues immunogenicity is considered as very promising. The abstract shows main experimental results about biological vascular grafts designing.



vascular grafts, biotechnology, xenografting, experimental surgery


Devitalized biological vascular grafts: 3 years follow up / D. V. Byzov, N. A. Chizh, Ye. V. Shevchenko, I. P. Mikhailova, B. P. Sandomirsky // Cardiovasc Research. – 2014. – Vol. 103, Issue suppl. 1 : Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology : Third Congress of the ESC Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science, Barcelona, 4th – 6th July, 2014 : Abstract Book. – P 143.