Systemic markers of cardiovascular risk in patients with comorbidity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic pancreatitis
Zhelezniakova, N.
Zelena, I.
Pasiieshvili, T.
Suprun, I.
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Thus, as a result of studies, it has been found
out that there is an exacerbation of COPD, in the isolated
course of disease as well as in disease combined with chronic
pancreatitis, there is an observed increased activity of C-re-
active protein and homocysteine, which may cause the de-
velopment of cardiovascular complications in such patients.
At the same time, changes in patients with comorbidities of
COPD and chronic pancreatitis were significantly deeper and
had significant differences from those in patients with isolat-
ed COPD, reflecting significant increase of cardiovascular risk
in patients with comorbidity.
systemic markers, cardiovascular risk, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic pancreatitis
Systemic markers of cardiovascular risk in patients with comorbidity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic pancreatitis / N. M. Zhelezniakova, I. I. Zelena, T. M. Pasiieshvili, I. O. Suprun // Кардиология на перекрестке наук : тезисы докладов VII Международного конгресса совместно с XI Международным симпозиумом по эхокардиографии и сосудистому ультразвуку, ХXIII ежегодной научно-практической конференцией«Актуальные вопросы кардиологии», Нижний Новгород, Тюмень 11–13 мая 2016 года / Федеральное агенство научных организаций России, Филиал НИИ Кардиологии «Тюменский кардиологический центр». – Н. Новгород ; Тюмень, 2016. – С. 17.