Study guide. Part II ―Physiology of Visceral Systems‖: Training tests of license exam ‖Krok 1‖ with answers and explanations for individual work of English-speaking students (for medical and dental faculties)

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Marakushyn, Dmytro
Chernobay, Larysa
Karmazina, Iryna
Isaieva, Inna
Alekseienko, Roman
Vasylieva, O.
Hloba, Nataliia
Shenger, S.
Goncharova, Аlina
Dunaieva, Olha

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This Study Guide was created to help you to get ready for License exam "Krok 1‖, but it‘s not the only reason. In your future life as a doctor every day you will face different clinical situations and you will have to make a decision what to do. Each task in this manual is a little clinical situation which you have to solve and get the proper answer about diagnosis, research methods, and appropriate treatment, etc. Physiology is a base of all medical sciences that‘s why whichever medical career you may choose you‘ll use your physiology knowledge anyway. Our subject may be difficult but we hope for you it will become interesting and one of your favorites and this Study Guide will help you to make a firm step towards your dream.


Затверджено Вченою радою ХНМУ. Протокол № 1.від 28.01.2021.


study guide, training tests, Т2021


Study guide. Part II ―Physiology of Visceral Systems‖ : Training tests of license exam ‖Krok 1‖ with answers and explanations for individual work of English-speaking students (for medical and dental faculties) / compil.: D. I. Marakushin, L. V. Chernobay, I. S. Karmazina [et al.]. – Kharkov : KhNMU, 2021. – 120 p.