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The Effectacy of phototherapy along th usage of abtiinflamatory gels for the treatment of ostoarthritis

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Zhuravlyova, Larysa
Fedorov, Volodymyr
Korobov, Andriy
Eraktorita, Nina
Zinchenko, Ganna
Hovrat, Tetiana
Efimova, Olena
Pidlisna, Yana
Tkachuk, Olena

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The use of phototherapy for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) contributes to the restoration of microcirculation in the affected zone, reduces pain, improves the functional ability of the joints, mits the progression of the disease and improves the life quality of patients. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of photo-magnetic therapy along with usage of anti-inflammatory diclofenac-containing gels on the course of OA.



phototherapy, osteoarthritis


The Effectacy of phototherapy along th usage of abtiinflamatory gels for the treatment of ostoarthritis / L. V. Zhuravlova, V. O. Fedorov, A. M. Korobov, N. V. Eraktorita, G. P. Zinchenko, T. I. Hovrat, B. H. Efimova, Y. M. Pidlisna, O. Yu. Tkachuk, A. I. Shichkа, M. M. Kucher // Application of lasers in medicine and biology and 2nd Gamaleia`s reading : materials XLIX Intrnational Scientific and Practical Conference, Hajduszoboszlo, Hungary (3–7th of October, 2018). – Hajduszoboszlo, 2018. – P. 62–64.