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Development of healthy children of early and preschool age in Kharkiv: I stage

dc.contributor.authorRiga, O.
dc.contributor.authorGonchar, Margaryta
dc.contributor.authorPilgui, I.
dc.contributor.authorРіга, О.О.
dc.contributor.authorГончарь, М.О.
dc.contributor.authorРига, Е.А.
dc.contributor.authorГончарь, М.А.
dc.description.abstractPhysical activity and games are very important for normal development of abilities of the child, as they lay the foundation for the future abilities of the child to read, write, count and abilities of creative thinking. The game undeniably influences all the aspects of child development.To evaluate the development of the children of 3, 4 and 5 years, living in Kharkiv and their peers, which go in for soccer to the football club for preschoolers “Footbik”, based on the TOTAL SOCCER coaching method (the Netherlands). Methods: a prospective medical and social study of 323 children aged from 2 to 4.5 years living in Kharkiv (115 from kindergartens and 208 from sort section with special football methodics). The design of research included development of application forms, questionnaire for the parents of the children, creation of database and statistic processing of the obtained material on STATISTICA 7.It was identified that physical development in children of the early and preschool age does not differ in children going to kindergartens or football club for preschoolers. A statistically important frequency of advancement in cognitive (intellectual) development of the child was recorded among the children going to the football club for preschoolers. An advancement in social and emotional development was recorded in children going only to kindergartens.ru_RU
dc.identifier.citationDevelopment of healthy children of early and preschool age in Kharkiv: I stage / O. Riga, M. Gonchar, I. Pilgui // Neonatology, surgery and perinatal medicine. – 2018. – T. 8, № 2 (28). – P. 46–51.ru_RU
dc.subjectpreschool ageru_RU
dc.subjectdevelopment of healthy childrenru_RU
dc.titleDevelopment of healthy children of early and preschool age in Kharkiv: I stageru_RU


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