Surgical tactics in fire kidney injury and the first experience in performing laparoscopic nephrectomy at the II level of medical support (role II) in combat conditions: Case report

dc.contributor.authorGumeniuk, Kostyantyn
dc.contributor.authorLurin, Igor
dc.contributor.authorSavytskyi, Oleksandr
dc.contributor.authorNehoduiko, Volodymyr
dc.contributor.authorMakarov, Vitaly
dc.contributor.authorSmolianyk, Kostiantyn
dc.description.abstractIntroduction and importance: According to the data from the American Urological Association (AUA) and the European Urological Association (EAU) (2020), kidney is the most frequently damaged organ of the genitourinary system. Kidney damage occurs in approximately 5 % of injured people and accounts for 24 % of traumatic injuries to abdominal organs. Surgical treatment remains the gold standard in unstable patients with gunshot and stab wounds. Minimally invasive surgical treatment of kidney injuries, which is usually performed after laparoscopic diagnosis, at the II level of medical care becomes possible in the first hours after injury. Case presentation: We performed two laparoscopic nephrectomies caused by gunshot shrapnel damage to the kidney in a military mobile hospital at the II level of medical support. The time since the injury was 64 ± 16 min. The wounded were extubated after the operations, activated on the first day. In one case, the drain was removed on the third day, in the other – on the fourth day. During the monitored period (30 days) after the operation, there were no complications in both wounded. Clinical discussion: Laparoscopic nephrectomy in gunshot damage to the kidney was characterized by presence of a retroperitoneal tense hematoma. When opened, there were signs of bleeding from the kidney parenchyma, difficulty of anatomical visualization of anatomical structures - ureter, renal artery and vein. Conclusion: It is possible to perform endovideosurgical operations - laparoscopic nephrectomy in combat kidney injury at a military mobile hospital with available high-tech equipment at the II level of medical support (Role II), thus bringing highly specialized care closer to the wounded. We noted a better cosmetic effect after the laparoscopic operationsen_US
dc.identifier.citationSurgical tactics in fire kidney injury and the first experience in performing laparoscopic nephrectomy at the II level of medical support (role II) in combat conditions: Case report / K. Gumeniuk, I. Lurin, O. Savytskyi, V. Nehoduiko, V. Makarov, K. Smolianyk // International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. ─ 2023. ─ Vol. 106. ─ P. 1─5.en_US
dc.subjectgunshot wounden_US
dc.subjectlaparoscopic nephrectomyen_US
dc.subjectcombat conditionsen_US
dc.titleSurgical tactics in fire kidney injury and the first experience in performing laparoscopic nephrectomy at the II level of medical support (role II) in combat conditions: Case reporten_US


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