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Infectious diseases test tasks for preparation to the state licensed examination "Krok-2. Medicine" (booklet 2018) : methodical recommendations for students of V–VІ years of higher medical education

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Kozko, Volodymyr
Bondarenko, Andriy
Katsapov, Dmytro
Merkulova, Nina
Gradil, Grigory
Yurko, Kateryna
Mohylenets, Olena
Sokhan, Anton
Solomennik, Ganna
Tkachenko, Vitaliy

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test tasks on infectious diseases for preparation to the state licensed examination "Krok-2. Medicine" (booklet 2018) are given in the methodical recommendations with explanation of correct answer for students of V and VІ years of education of medical speciality.


Затверджено вченою радою ХНМУ. Протокол № 1 від 21.01.2019.


test tasks, Krok, medicine, МР2019


Infectious diseases test tasks for preparation to the state licensed examination "Krok-2. Medicine" (booklet 2018) : methodical recommendations for students of V–VІ years of higher medical education / compilers: V. M. Kozko, A. V. Bondarenko, D. V. Katsapov, N. F. Merkulova, G. I. Gradil, K. V. Yurko, O. I. Mohylenets, A. V. Sokhan, G. O. Solomennik, V. G. Tkachenko. – Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2019. – 16 p.



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