Ретроспективний аналіз результатів хірургічного лікування вродженого кіфозу у дітей

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Мезенцев, Андрій Олексійович
Демченко, Дмитро Олександрович
Петренко, Дмитро Євгенович

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Congenital kyphosis is the result of the failure of formation or segmentation of the vertebra which characterized by rapid progression and usually lead to neurological complications. Ventral and/or posterior fusion in situ with or without instrumentation, vertebrectomy and different type of osteotomies are the main options in surgical treatment of congenital kyphosis. Neurologic deficit and failure of instrumentation are the most common complications. Retrospective analysis of treatment of patients with congenital kyphosis can help to improve the result of surgical treatment. Goal: to perform retrospective analysis of surgical treatment of congenital kyphosis. Materials: 25 cases of history of patients who were treated in Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology with follow-up more than 2 years. In our investigation we use roentgenometry: common and local kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, sagittal pelvic balance. We analyzed clinical signs of spinal cord compression before and after operation, infection, deformity progression and instability of instrumentation. Results: 5 patients have different complications: instability of instrumentation with deformity progression – 3, infection – 1, increasing of local kyphosis – 1. 4 patient required recurrent operations. Conclusions: using of existing surgical techniques lead to postoperative complications. The main reasons of postoperative complications are: inadequate determination of spine growth potential and instability of instrumentation as a result of absence of fusion. Development of new techniques which model spinal growth and formation of apical fusion after osteotomies are perspective tendency in surgical treatment of congenital kyphosis.




Мезенцев А. О. Ретроспективний аналіз результатів хірургічного лікування вродженого кіфозу у дітей / А. О. Мезенцев, Д. О. Демченко, Д. Є. Петренко // Ортопедия, травматология и протезирование. – 2018. – № 3. – С. 39–44.