Philosophy: the manualfor English-medium second-year international students

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Karpenko, Kateryna

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This text-book is designated for English-medium second-year international students. It provides them with: - an understanding of the place of philosophy in society, its role as a historical type of a worldview; - a summary of the most important problems of the history of philosophy. Given materials will help students - to discuss the importance of the relevance of philosophical methods to medical practice; - to encourage to develop their cognitive skills, innovation, creativity, communication skills; - to develop a sense of citizenship, patriotism and appreciation of the host country; - to encourage students to work cooperatively and appreciate other student's cultures and beliefs. They must be considerate and polite human beings and must show respect towards each other and their teachers; - to promote awareness and respect for the environment in which we live and to encourage an understanding of the global environment and its problems.


Затверджено Вченою радою ХНМУ Протокол № 8 від 20.10.2011


textbook, philosophy


Karpenko K. I. Philosophy : the manualfor English-medium second-year international students. – Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2011. – 78 p.