All together to Fight Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

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Momtazmanesh, Sara
Ochs, Hans D.
Uddin, Lucina Q.
Perc, Matjaz
Routes, John M.
Vieira, Duarte Nuno
Al-Herz, Waleed
Baris, Safa
Prando, Carolina
Rosivall, Laszlo

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Novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), named a pandemic by the WHO, is the current global health crisis. National and international collaboration are indispensable for combating COVID-19 and other similar potential outbreaks. International efforts to tackle this complex problem have led to remarkable scientific advances. Yet, as a global society, we can and must take additional measures to fight this pandemic. Undoubtedly, our approach toward COVID-19 was not perfect, and testing has not been deployed fast enough to arrest the epidemic early on. It is critical that we revise our approaches to be more prepared for pandemics as a united body by promoting global cooperation and commitment.




All together to Fight Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) [Electronic resource] / S. Momtazmanesh, H. D. Ochs, L. Q. Uddin, M. Perc, J. M. Routes, D. N. Vieira, W. Al-Herz, S. Baris, C. Prando, L. Rosivall, A. H. A. Latiff, T. Ulrichs, V. Roudenok, J. C. A. Becerra, D. B. Salunke, E. Goudouris, A. Condino-Neto, A. Stashchak, O. Kryvenko, M. Stashchak, A. Bondarenko, N. Rezaei // The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. – 2020. – 00 (0). – P. 1–3. – DOI:10.4269/ajtmh.20-0281.