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Acute necrotizing pancreatitis: unfavorable outcome risk factors

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Syplyviy, V.
Robak, V.
Ievtushenko, D.
Byzov, Denys
Grinchenko, S.

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There is an analysis of surgical treatment of 125 patients with severe forms of an acute pancreatitis.34 patients died Estimation of patient’s state by SAPS II, SAPS III, Savel`ev scale and Acute Sepsis Severity Evaluation Scale was carried out. We have developed a mathematical model for predicting the course of acute necrotizing pancreatitis is characterized by high accuracy, and therefore can be recommended for application in surgery in order to identify at an early postoperative period, patients who need more intensive care.



acute pancreatitis, retroperitoneal fat, postoperative lethality, estimation of severity of patient, Acute Sepsis Severity Evaluation Scale


Acute necrotizing pancreatitis: unfavorable outcome risk factors / V. O. Syplyviy, V. I. Robak, D. V. Ievtushenko, D. V. Byzov, S. V. Grinchenko // Inter colegas. – 2014. – Vol.1, № 1. – Р. 178–183.