Drug influence on laboratory indices

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Zalubovska, Olha
Zlenko, Victor
Litvinova, Olha
Bereznyakova, Maryna
Karabut, Larysa
Fomina, Halyna
Avidzba, Julia
Kovalevska, O.

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The book contains a brief information laboratory diagnosis of human conditions, evaluat on of efficiency and safety of medicines, the impact of drugs on the results of clinical analyses. For foreign students of medical and pharmaceutical higher schools. The aim of the manual is presentation of a brief information on laboratory diagnosis of human conditions and changes of clinical laboratory indices under the action of drugs. It is focused on assisting the future pharmacist to assessi the efficiency and safety of drug use, to cover the problems of the drug influence on the results of clinical tests. The manual gives definitions of concepts, standards, as well as the sets of test problems. References at the end of the book aims to facilitate the task of the learner’s search for additional sources covering research methods, reagents, equipment, and other details that go beyond the standard curriculum in clinical laboratory diagnostics.



laboratory diagnosis, clinical test, analysis of the duodenal contents, analysis of the gastric juice, sputum analysis, stool analysis, urine analysis, blood count


Drug influence on laboratory indices : manual on clinical laboratory diagnostics for foreign students of medical and pharmaceutical higher schools and colleges / О. I. Zalubovska, V. V. Zlenko, О. M. Litvinova, М. Ye. Bereznyakova, L. V. Karabut, G. P. Fomina, Yu. N. Avidzba, O. S. Kovalevska ; Ministry of public health of Ukraine, National university of pharmacy. – Kharkiv : NuPh, 2014. – 99 p.