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Title: Дослідження впливу вірусів родини Herpesviridae 4, 6 типів та ендогенних ретровірусів людини на перебіг розсіяного склерозу
Authors: Коляда, Олег
Кучма, Ірина
Коляда, Тетяна
Тининика, Людмила
Скляр, Анатолій
Keywords: Herpesviridae 4, 6 типів
ендогенні ретровіруси людини
розсіяний склероз
Herpesviridae 4, 6 types
human endogenous retroviruses
multiple sclerosis
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Дослідження впливу вірусів родини Herpesviridae 4, 6 типів та ендогенних ретровірусів людини на перебіг розсіяного склерозу / О. Коляда, І. Кучма, Т. Коляда, А. Скляр, Л. Тининика // Анали Мечниковського інституту. – 2023. ─ Т. 4. – С. 31–41.
Abstract: Study of the influence of viruses of the family Herpesviridae 4, 6 types and human endogenous retroviruses on the course of multiple sclerosis Oleg Kolyada, Irina Kuchma, Tatyana Kolyada, Anatoly Sklyar, Lyudmila Tynynyka Introduction. During the last decades, the hypothesis about the key pathogenetic role in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS) of viruses of the Herpesviridae family and human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) has been increasingly confirmed. The study of the relationship between the state of cytokinesis and the activity of MS, as well as the type of disease course is one of the topical areas of research into the immunopathogenesis of MS since cytokines are key factors in the development of inflammation in the central nervous system (CNS). The heterogeneity of the disease suggests that MS is not caused or triggered by a single virus, but a combination of them may act as a trigger in genetically susceptible individuals. The aim of our work was to establish the role of EBV and HHV-6 infections and endogenous retroviruses HERV-W in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis, which is mediated by their participation in the exacerbation and progression of the disease by affecting the systemic response of cytokines.
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці. Кафедра загальної та клінічної патофізіології імені Д.О. Альперна

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