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Title: Physiological effects of reduced atmospheric pressure
Authors: Bulynina, Oksana
Keywords: atmospheric pressure
Issue Date: Mar-2024
Citation: Bulynina O. D. Physiological effects of reduced atmospheric pressure / O. D. Bulynina // Global science: prospects and innovations : Proceedings of VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 28─30 March 2024 / Cognum Publishing House. ─ Liverpool, 2024. ─ P. 52─65.
Abstract: This scientific paper delves into the general analysis of the physiological effect and the mechanism of action of the reduced values of atmospheric pressure on the human body. This review provides information on the reasons, manifestations, clinical specific features, and the strategies used for the prevention of altitude sickness with reference to the available literature.
ISBN: 978-92-9472-169-9
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці. Кафедра фізіології

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