Morphological features of the uterus in women at different time intervals of the postmortem period as diagnostic criteria for establishing the postmortem interval

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Olkhovsky, Vasil
Grygorian, Edgar
Myroshnychenko, Mykhailo
Kozlov, Sergii
Suloiev, Kostiantyn
Polianskyi, Anton
Kaplunovskyi, Petro
Fedulenkova, Yuliia
Borzenkova, Iryna

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The aim is to identify the morphological features of the uterus layers in women at different time intervals of the postmortem period as diagnostic criteria for establishing the postmortem interval. The processes of autolysis occurred more intensely and faster in the mucous membrane of the uterus, in comparison with the muscular and serous membranes, and in the vessels – in their inner membrane, in comparison with the middle and outer membranes. Autolytic changes in the muscular membrane of the uterus and vascular walls occurred more intensely in muscle fibers compared to connective tissue fibers. The histological and immunohistochemical features of the women uterus at different postmortem periods have a certain forensic medical significance and can be used for establishing the postmortem interval.



uterus, diagnostic criteria, morphological features, postmortem period


Morphological features of the uterus in women at different time intervals of the postmortem period as diagnostic criteria for establishing the postmortem interval / V. O. Olkhovsky, E. K. Grygorian, M. S. Myroshnychenko, S. V. Kozlov, K. M. Suloiev, A. O. Polianskyi, P. A. Kaplunovskyi, Y. Ya. Fedulenkova, I. V. Borzenkova // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2021. – Volume LXXIV, issue 4. – Р. 821–827.