Forensic Examination of Living Persons with Blunt Trauma of Some External Respiration Organs

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Olkhovsky, Vasil
Kliuiev, Oleksandr
Gubin, Mykola
Simakova-Yefremian, Ella
Khosha, Vadym

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Based on retrospective morphological and clinical analysis of archival materials of Kharkiv Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination, the frequency and types of injuries of some external respiration organs were determined at the examination of living persons. Peculiarities of forensic expert evaluation in determining the severity of bodily injuries associated with injuries of external respiration organs were described. Ways of improving the quality of forensic expert diagnostics of specified trauma were determined.



severity of bodily injuries, forensic medical examination, bodily injuries, respiratory tract injuries


Forensic examination of living persons with blunt trauma of some external respiration organs / V. Olkhovsky, O. Kliuiev, M. Gubin, E. Simakova-Yefremian Ella, V. Khosha // Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. – 2019. – Vol. 13, No. 4. – P. 1940–1943.