Experience of the application of pedagogical control as a way of diagnosing the effectiveness of students 'academic activity at the department of medical and bioorganic chemistry at KhNMU

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Sirova, Ganna
Petyunina, Valentina
Kalinenko, Olga

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Based on the analysis of literary sources, the article indicates the importance of the proper organization and management of educational and cognitive activities of medical students and the role in this process of one of the important components – pedagogical control. The authors share their experiences with use of pedagogical control in the study of chemical disciplines at their department: they emphasize the importance of monitoring activities of various forms as a way of diagnosing the state of academic work for students and teachers.



pedagogical control, learning process, diagnosis, forms of control, results of control, assessment


Sirova G. O. Experience of the application of pedagogical control as a way of diagnosing the effectiveness of students 'academic activity at the department of medical and bioorganic chemistry at KhNMU / G. O. Sirova, V. M. Petyunina, O. S. Kalinenko // Актуальні питання лінгвістики, професійної лінгводидактики, психології і педагогіки вищої школи : збірник статей ІV Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, м. Полтава, 7‒8 листопада 2019 р. – Полтава : Астрая, 2019. – С. 379‒383.