The study of adaptive reactions of the cardiorespiratory system in conditions of psychoemotional stresses

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Чернобай, Лариса Владимировна
Васильева, Оксана Васильевна
Олейник, Антон Александрович
Chernobay, Larysa
Vasylieva, O.
Isaieva, Inna
Derevianchenko, N.
Oliynyk, A.

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The article presents modern data on the physiological mechanisms study of the stress resistance development, which occurs in medical students in the dynamics of study- ing in higher educational institution in junior courses (1-3 courses). The adaptive reactions of the cardiorespiratory sys- tem in conditions of psychoemotional load were studied.


The prospects of future research from our point of view should lie in further investigation of gender pecu- liarities of adaptive reactions development up to psycho- emotional stress that develops in conditions of studying in university. That will make an opportunity to reveal the features of mechanisms of resistance formation depend- ing on gender.


adaptive reactions, psychoemotional loads, medical students, intellectual performance


The study of adaptive reactions of the cardiorespiratory system in conditions of psychoemotional stresses / L. Chernobay, O. Vasylieva, I. Isaeva, N. Derevianchenko, A. Oliynyk // Georgian medical news. – 2018. – № 1 (274). – P. 60–63.