Compliance of female patients with arterial hypertension in combination with overweight to the anti hypertensive therapy with indapamide drug

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Smyrnova, Victoriia
Tiazhlova, Nataliya
Mosina, Nataliya

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Самаркандский государственный медицинский институт


Aim: to assess the effectiveness of the antihypertensive therapy with Indapamide and patients’ compliance in females with hypertension (HT) in combination with metabolic disorders (MD). Materials and methods:The research was carried out on the basis of Kharkiv city clinical hospital №11. 31 women aged 39-65 yearswith HT stage 1 and 2, MD (abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, disorders of carbohydrate metabolism) were examined. 14 patients had type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), 7had glucose intolerance. Indapamidewas prescribed as anantihypertensive drug in the dose of 1.5 mg once a day in the morning both in monotherapy and in combined antihypertensive therapy. Dynamics of blood pressure (BP),assessment of the therapy by female patients, their compliance to treatment were evaluated prior to discharge (in 2–3 weeks), in 3 months, 1 year (10 female patients). Results: antihypertensive therapy led to a decrease in BP in all patients. During their staying in the hospital the target BP level (≤130/80 mm Hg) was achieved in 17 female patients. In 3months, 20 female patients had officeBP ≤130/80 mm Hg as well as according to ambulatory self-control. In 1 year, the treatment was continued by all the respondents.Themaintenance of BP at the target level, high compliance and good tolerability of the therapy were identified. The female patientsassessed the effectiveness of the antihypertensive therapy as "high" and the regimen of Indapamideas"very suitable". Therewasan improvement in the emotional background associated by patients with achieving target BP in asuitable treatmentregimen. Conclusions: theantihypertensive therapywith Indapamide infemale patientswithMSand disorders of carbohydrate metabolism using drugleads to achieving and long-term retaining of the target BP. Convenience of this therapy and high compliance to it at the stage of outpatient treatmentwere observed.




Tiazhlova N. Compliance of female patients with arterial hypertension in combination with overweight to the anti hypertensive therapy with indapamide drug / N. Tiazhlova, N. Mosina, V. Smyrnova // Актуальные проблемы современной медицины : материалы 71-й научно-практической конференции студентов и молодых ученых с международным участием, г. Самарканд, 18–19 мая 2017 г. / Самаркандский государственный медицинский институт. – Самарканд, 2017. – С. 252.