Diagnostic role of changes in local and systemic immunity indices in pregnant women with bacterial infections

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Щербина, Ірина Миколаївна
Щербина, Ирина Николаевна
Shcherbyna, Iryna
Плахотна, Ірина Юріївна
Плахотная, Ирина Юрьевна
Plakhotna, Iryna
Капустник, Наталія Володимирівна
Капустник, Наталья Владимировна
Kapustnik, Natalia
Диннік, Олександра Олексіївна

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The article presents predictors of neonatal complications basing on comprehensive clinical and immunological examination of pregnant women. The study included 35 pregnant women, divided into two groups. The first (main) group comprised 25 patients with intrauirtrine infections (IUI) in newborns in the early neonatal period and the second (control) group amounted for 10 patients without IUI in newborns. Quantitative study of proinflammatory cytokine levels in the serum of pregnant and posterior vaginal vault content showed a significant increase in IL-8 (16.73 pg /ml,p =0.021) and IL-6 (38.4 pg /mL, p =0.032) in the blood serum of pregnant women р=0.032), who gave birth to children with IUI. Cytokine levels in the contents of posterior vaginal vault was also increased in the first group of pregnant: IL-6 (89.41mg /g) andIL-1β (157.2g / g) (p <0.05). Therefore the results of studies to determine immunological markers of inflammation give a possibility to predict early neonatal complications in pregnant women who are at risk for IUI, thus reducing the risk of infection in newborns by timely preventive and therapeutic measures.



cytokines, intrauterine infection, C-reactive protein, immunological markers


Diagnostic role of changes in local and systemic immunity indices in pregnant women with bacterial infections / I. M. Shcherbina, I. U. Plakhotnaya, N. V. Kapustnik, O. O. Dynnik // Inter Collegas. – 2016. – Vol. 3, N 1. – Р. 49–51.